Paramedics at work in Ambulance
JRCALC guidelines and Apps

JRCALC is best known for the production of clinical guidelines for UK paramedics, often referred to as just the ‘JRCALC guidelines’. The guidelines are produced by JRCALC for NHS ambulance service paramedics, on behalf of the Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE)

Working closely alongside the National Ambulance Service Medical Directors (NASMeD) who represent all UK Ambulance Services, JRCALC effectively fulfils the liaison role of its title.

The committee is comprised of experts ranging across the whole spectrum of medical disciplines, including paramedics, physicians, midwives, nurses, general practitioners, pharmacists, surgeons, obstetricians, pathologists and more.

Members are nominated by their respective organisations /specialities /colleges and formally convene three times a year, with the majority of the guidance review and development transpiring between meetings. See the Committee page for a list of the current JRCALC representatives.

The guidelines continue to be produced by JRCALC through guideline development sub-groups. Each sub-group is made up of a multi-professional team with expert subject knowledge and pre-hospital experience and will be chaired by a JRCALC representative. For more information, see the Guidelines page.

JRCALC guidelines and Apps

The JRCALC iCPG and JRCALC Plus apps contain the complete and most current clinical guidance. Updates are published throughout the year, and the apps remain fully functional without a phone signal which always ensures the most up-to-date information for clinicians.

The production of guidelines involves a huge amount of goodwill from a wide range of professionals for which we are all very grateful. From the JRCALC representatives to the individuals that make up the various guideline development sub-groups, all time and knowledge is volunteered, without which the JRCALC guidelines would not be possible.

JRCALC receives no central funding or government support and consequently the committee are unable to host free access to the guidelines. The Intellectual Property Rights to the guidelines are held by AACE on behalf of the NHS ambulance services, and royalties from the publishing of guidelines are used to help support the functioning of JRCALC and the development of future guidance.

We also welcome feedback and queries on the JRCALC Guidelines. 
Please use the feedback form here.