Dear Colleagues,

It is a pleasure to be able to announce that Dr Wim Blancke, a committee representative for the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCA), formally took up his new position as Chair of the Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee at its meeting held at Churchill House, London on Tuesday 7 July 2009.

The Honorary Co-secretaries Dr Fiona Jewkes and Mr Martin Flaherty OBE and the Honorary Treasurer Dr Fionna Moore will continue in post. The outgoing Chair, Dr Tom Clarke, will remain pro-temp in the position of Immediate-past Chair to assist the Executive Committee as it undertakes the Committee’s relocation to its new administrative base with the Faculty of Prehospital Care (RCS Edin). It is intended that principal committee meetings will continue to be held at Churchill House after relocation.

As outgoing Chair may I wish the Committee every success for the future under Dr Blancke’s undoubtedly able, experienced and wise guidance.

Dr Tom Clarke
Immediate-past Chair
7 July 2009